2020 Contract Changes

Did you know that SCR is updating the Buyer Agency Agreement (SCR 130/135), the Listing Agreement (SCR 210/220) and the Residential Contract (SCR 300/310) effective January 1, 2020?

Make sure you and your agents are prepared for these changes. You can download draft versions of the forms below and can check out these quick videos covering the changes from SCR Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs, Austin Smallwood.

In addition to the changes mentioned above, the Due Diligence Addendum (SCR 311) will sunset in 2020.

Overview of Changes: SCR Buyer Agency Agreement (SCR130)
Watch or Read the Draft

Overview of Changes: SCR Listing Agreement (SCR220)
Watch or Read the Draft

Overview of Changes: SCR Residential Contract (SCR310)
Watch or Read the Draft

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