Broker Update with Keynote Nick Kremydas

Wednesday, June 28 | 11am – 12:30 pm | via Zoom

During this Q2 session we will hear from our keynote speaker Nick Kremydas who will go over Antitrust and social media dos and don’ts. We will also hear from our Government affairs Director with a Legislative Update.

Nick Kremydas is the Chief Executive Officer of the 27,000-member South Carolina REALTORS®️ (SCR). Nick and his wife Pauline are proud parents of their 19-year old daughter Penelope and their 14-year old son, Evan. Nick is a graduate of the University of South Carolina School of Law and is a member of the South Carolina Bar Association.

Nick served as staff legal counsel in Governor Carroll Campbell’s Administration before joining the REALTORS®️ in December of 1994. Nick was the Association’s General Counsel and Chief Lobbyist for 12 years and received the REALTOR®️ Certified Executive (RCE) designation in 2004. In 2006, he was hired as CEO of the Association. Nick is a tennis fanatic, cyclist and is a proud Gamecock!

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